Medical Board of California
Physician License Defense
Each year, the Medical Board of California receives more than 10,000 complaints, including mandated self-reports from physicians, public complaints, and required reports from courts, insurance carriers, coroners, professional groups, and health facilities.
If you’re a physician facing a board investigation or disciplinary proceeding, our attorneys have the experience and resources to provide expert representation.
Complaints and investigations
The following represent the most common allegations we help physicians address:
- Gross negligence or incompetence
- Unprofessional conduct
- Inappropriate prescribing
- Drug or alcohol abuse
- Mental or medical conditions affecting a physician’s ability to practice safely, including chemical dependency
- Convictions for criminal conduct
Following an initial review, the board’s complaint unit may forward the complaint to a district office for investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the matter may be closed, referred for criminal prosecution, or referred for a citation or disciplinary action. The attorney general may file an accusation or, in the case of an applicant, a statement of issues, which initiates a formal hearing process under the California Administrative Procedures Act.
While each situation is unique, it’s generally wise to engage counsel before responding to a board investigator or a request for information. Answering questions, providing documents or evidence, or agreeing to other actions without counsel can be risky. As a physician, you have important statutory and constitutional rights, and are also legally obligated to protect patient and employee confidentiality. Immediately seeking advice from an attorney experienced in healthcare licensing helps protect your reputation and career.
How we can help
Our experienced attorneys can provide information to assist you in closing an investigation without discipline or minimizing the discipline that may be eventually imposed. In many cases, we can assist in negotiating an agreed resolution with the board’s counsel without a hearing, or in aggressively defending you at a contested hearing.
Whether you have been wrongfully accused of misconduct or have made an uncharacteristic mistake, such as driving under the influence, our attorneys offer the experience, resources, and reputation to aggressively defend you before the board. We will listen, offer advice, and develop a plan designed to obtain the best result possible.
More information:
Medical Board Guidelines for Substance Abusing Licensees
Medical Board Information Regarding Criminal Convictions
Mandatory Physician Self-Reporting of Cases/Convictions
Medical Board Laws and Regulations
Medical Board Petitions for Reinstatement
Medical Board Disciplinary Guidelines